Safety first


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According to the Armstrong (2014) “Health and safety policies and programmers are concerned with protecting employees – and other people affected by what the company produces and does – against the hazards arising from their employment or their links with the company Safety programmers deal with the prevention of accidents and with minimizing the resulting loss and damage to people and property. They relate more to systems of work than the working environment, but both health and safety programmers are concerned with protection against hazards, and their aims and methods are clearly interlinked.”


“Written health and safety policies are required to demonstrate that top management is concerned about the protection of the organization’s employees from hazards at work and to indicate how this”.

the policy statement should consist of three parts:

1 The general policy statement.

2 The description of the organization of health and safety.

3 Details of arrangements for implementing the policy.

steps of full safety in the industry (industrial safety guide)

·         Hazard analysis

·         Use of PPE(Personal protective equipment)

·         Use of sop (Standard operating procedure)

·         Positive isolation

·         Work permit system

·         Gas safety

·         Right tools and tackles

·         Confined space permit

·         Working at a height

·         Traffic rules

·         Safety in multi activities

·         Change management.



“The importance of healthy and safe policies and practices is, sadly, often underestimated by those concerned with managing businesses and by individual managers within those businesses. But the achievement of the highest standards of health and safety in the workplace is important because the elimination, or at least minimization, of health and safety hazards and risks, is the moral as well as the legal responsibility of employers – this duty of care is the overriding reason. Close and continuous attention to health and safety is important because ill health and injuries caused by the system of work or working conditions cause suffering and loss to individuals and their dependents. In addition, accidents and absences through ill-health or injuries result in losses and damage for the organization”. (Armstrong,2014, p. 454).

According to the Analyseameter (2019) “The thousands of industrial accidents every year caused the realization of the importance of industrial safety with technological advancement in manufacturing. The dangers of human life are increasing day by day. In order to avoid accidents, employees must be aware of industrial safety principles & danger areas of that industry. The following are some reasons why Industrial safety is necessary”

·         For the safety of people in their workplaces

·         For protected the environment against damage from industrial accidents

·         For protecting businesses against serious losses from damage to plant and machinery

·         For eliminating accidents causing work stoppage and production loss

·         For creating awareness of the good practices available for the delivery of effective safety instrumented systems

·         For providing basic training in well-established techniques for the engineering of safety systems

·         For assisting engineers and technicians to support and participate in the safety systems activities at their work with good background knowledge of the subject



“Planning of Industrial Safety In industries, the no. of fire hazards, accidents, and industrial disasters may be reduced through careful safety planning. All those unfortunate events can be avoided by effective planning for safety”. (Analyseameter,2019)

According to the (industrial safety guide) Accident prevention methods:

·         5 e’s for accident prevention

·         Preventing unsafe acts

·         Preventing unsafe conditions

·         Safety tag system

·         Safety in hose keeping

·         Employees’ training in safety

·         Hazard checklist

·         Colour coding

·         Motivating employees for safety

·         Safety auditing





Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S. (2014), Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. 13th ed. London: Kogan Page publishers.


[Online] Analyseameter (2019), What is Industrial Safety? Importance, Objectives and planning
[Available From] What is Industrial Safety? Importance, Objectives and planning – Analyse A Meter [Accessed on 03.12.2022]


[Online] industrialsafetyguide, What Is Industrial Safety and why it is important?
[Available From] [Accessed on 03.12.2022]





  1. Good post Ajitha, keeping employees safe at workplace will boost their morale and they will be happy with their employment. employees will more productive as they know that given task can be achieved without being affected.


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