Compensation & Benefits

 “Compensation and benefits refer to the compensation/salary and other monetary and non-monetary benefits passed on by a firm to its employees in return for their services. Compensation and benefits are an important aspect of HRM as it helps to keep the workforce motivated and are the most important hygiene factors. It helps give benefits to employees based on their performance and actions and brings the best out of the”


Image source: access on 9th Dec 2022.

“Would the three salespersons and the receptionist work for free? No. They would, like us all, expect something in return. You must have heard a common phrase: Give and Take. You always have to give things to people in return for what you take from them. Compensation refers to this exchange but in monetary terms. Compensation is the employer's feedback for an employee's work. It simply is the monetary value you would give to your four employees in return for their services.”

In the book Human Resource Management, Gary Des

slyer defines compensation in these words. "Employee compensation refers to all forms of pay going to employees and arising from their employment." The phrase 'all forms of pay' in the definition does not include non-financial benefits, but all the direct and indirect financial compensations. I shall, inshallah, explain the two terms in my next article 'Parts of Salary'.

“Employees today are not willing to work only for the cash alone, they expect 'extra'. This extra is known as employee benefits. Also known as fringe benefits, Employee benefits are a non-financial form of compensation offered in addition to cash salary to enrich workers’ lives.
What benefits would you offer to your employees at my Wear? Of course, you would provide different benefits to the salespersons and the receptionist. Problems will arise when you decide what benefit to give to whom and on which basis? Employee benefits are not performance-based, they are membership-based. Workers receive benefits regardless of their performance. Employee benefits as a whole have no direct effect on employee performance; however, inadequate benefits do contribute to low satisfaction levels and increase absenteeism and turnover in employees (DeCenzo and Robbins; 2007). So you would have to carefully design your benefits package. Your package may include a cell phone for each worker, taking them to a training workshop or seminar, giving them a day or two off every month, and so on. While deciding on the benefits package, do consider the associated costs.”


“Remuneration is one of the main expenses in a company because salaries are expensive. Payroll contributions are very high and make it difficult for employees to increase their salaries. Compensation and benefits managers, therefore, need to closely examine all the compensation schemes available to take advantage of those that benefit from tax deductions and attract talent.

compensation & benefit was directly involved in employee performance & engagement.


[online] linkedin  compensation-benefits-definition-importance [available from] access on 5th Dec 2022


[online] mbaskool Compensation & Benefits - Meaning, Importance, Types, Components & Example | MBA Skool [available from]  access on 5th Dec 2022


[online] primeum compensation-benefits-definition-importance [available from] access on 9th Dec 2022


  1. Yes Ajitha, remuneration will not only motivate employees . There should be more benefits including non monetary benefits as well. For organization to gain competitive advantage over employee retention and motivating, special benefits package should be exist for its employees .

  2. Compensation and benefits play big role to retain the employees with in the organisation. And aslo reduce the staff turnover.

  3. Yes ajitha,this is very efficient way to increase performance of employees.the adjustment Of compensation and benifit can assist to retain employees well within the organization.


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