
Showing posts from December, 2022

Performance and reward management

      Image source:   access on 6 th Dec 2022 Introduction   According to (Armstrong,2014) “performance is concerned with how well something is done, and reward is with how people should be recognized for doing it. Performance management and reward management are closely associated topics that play an important part in achieving one of the key goals of HRM – to contribute to the development of a high-performance culture. This is understood by the CIPD, which in its profession map (2013) defines what an HR or reward professional needs to do about performance and reward as follows: ‘Builds a high-performance culture by delivering programmers that recognize and reward critical skills, capabilities, experience, and performance and ensures that reward systems are market-based, equitable and cost-effective.” As defined by Aguinis (...

Compensation & Benefits

  “Compensation and benefits refer to the compensation/salary and other monetary and non-monetary benefits passed on by a firm to its employees in return for their services. Compensation and benefits are an important aspect of HRM as it helps to keep the workforce motivated and are the most important hygiene factors. It helps give benefits to employees based on their performance and actions and brings the best out of the”   Image source: access on 9 th Dec 2022. Compensation “Would the three salespersons and the receptionist work for free? No. They would, like us all, expect something in return. You must have heard a common phrase: Give and Take. You always have to give things to people in return for what you take from them. Compensation refers to this exchange but in monetary terms. Compensation is the employer's feedback for an employee's work. It simp...

Employee Retention

             Image source:  Access on 6 th dec.2022 “Employee retention refers to the ability of a company to prevent employee turnover. In other words, it is the company's concerted efforts to retain their existing staff and keep their best employees on board in order to succeed as a business.” ( Resources for employers) E mployee retention important for an organization These are the most important benefits of effective employee retention strategies: Sustained productivity flow :  Professionals who work for long periods in an organization add significant value to the company. They understand the company’s vision at a deep ...

Talent Management

      Image Source:  access on 4 th 12 2022 Introduction According to Armstrong (2014) "The term ‘talent management’ may refer simply to management succession planning and/or management development activities, although this notion does not really add anything to these familiar processes except a new name – admittedly quite an evocative one. It is better to regard talent management as a more comprehensive and integrated bundle of activities, the aim of which is to create a pool of talent in an organization, bearing in mind that talent is a major corporate resource”. According to Lewis and Hackman (2006), talent management is defined in three ways 1) as a combination of standard human resource management practices such as recruitment, selection, and career development  2) as the creation of a large talent pool, ensuring the quantitative and qualitative flow of ...

Safety first

    Image source: Introduction According to the Armstrong (2014) “Health and safety policies and programmers are concerned with protecting employees – and other people affected by what the company produces and does – against the hazards arising from their employment or their links with the company Safety programmers deal with the prevention of accidents and with minimizing the resulting loss and damage to people and property. They relate more to systems of work than the working environment, but both health and safety programmers are concerned with protection against hazards, and their aims and methods are clearly interlinked.”   “Written health and safety policies are required to demonstrate that top management is concerned about the protection of the organization’s employees from hazards at work ...

Happy workplace environment

  Introduction “Motivation is the force that energizes, directs, and sustains behavior. High performance is achieved by well-motivated people who are prepared to exercise discretionary effort, i.e., independently do more than is expected of them”. (Armstrong,2014, p. 169). According to  (Armstrong,2014) ‘Well-motivated people engage in positive discretionary behavior – they decide to make an effort. Such people may be self-motivated, and as long as this means they are going in the right direction to attain what they are there to achieve, then this is the best form of motivation. But additional motivation provided by the work itself, the quality of leadership, and various forms of recognition and reward, builds on self-motivation and helps people to make the best use of their abilities and to perform well”.   It is the environment or atmosphere in which a company’s employees work and may perceive it as emotionally favorable or unfavorable. Impact According to...